Friday, August 21, 2009

Treating illnesses naturally

We've had some sickness in our house as of late. Some blog posts that I started, lay unfinished, but I am trying to get those finished and posted now.

It's not easy dealing with cold & sinus, or any other symptoms while expecting! For one thing, every ache and pain seems to be magnified times ten, and for another, an expectant mother can't take just anything for her ailment.

Even when I am not pregnant, I prefer to use herbs and home remedies to treat illnesses, and there are so many wonderful alternatives to harmful medicines and antibiotics.

For sinusitis, colds and flu: The steam from a very warm bath or shower helps moisturize irritated or stuffy sinus passages, as does Vicks Vaporub. Drinking plenty of water, water with fresh lemon, and hot teas, helps to thin and loosen mucus and phlegm. Irrigating the sinuses with warm saline solution (1/2 tsp. plain salt dissolved in 1 cup warm water) sucked in through a straw helps a LOT. Garlic is an excellent natural antibiotic, and can be chopped finely and swallowed with a spoonful of raw honey, or steeped in hot water for Garlic Lemonade. (Recipe for that HERE.)

For indigestion: Indigestion is caused by an acid/base imbalance in the stomach. For an acid stomach, a teaspoon of baking soda dissolved in water will bring quick relief. When lack of digestive acids is the problem, a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in water should do the trick. Not sure which to try? I would suggest trying the baking soda first, because acid stomach is most common.

For body aches and pains:
What pregnant woman doesn't experience this? It can be a pain in the neck (or lower back, or hip...), but popping pain pills is not the best option when carrying a wee one. Make sure you are getting extra rest not only at night, but also during the day. And check your sleeping posture: try to keep your shoulders and hips lined up with a pillow between your knees. Hot water works wonders for an achey body, as does massage, should you be blessed enough to have a willing masseuse. Arnica gel has worked for me on sore muscles.

What natural remedies have you discovered, that have been a help to you? I'd love to hear your suggestions!


  1. Absolutely nothing did better for my achiness than a pillow between the knees and warm moist heat, whether it be from shower, heating pad with moistened towel, hot water bottle, whatever.

    Oh, and frequent breaks during the day. I have a lot of trouble with that, just because I'm not the "sit still" type. But just sitting on the couch for 10 minutes every hour and a hour or so made a big difference.

  2. I love eucalyptus essential oil diffused in the room of the ailing for cough also. It is so pungent, so a few drops in whatever carrier you use is all you need.

    The herbalist that treats Ethan loves ginger water for colds, and also for indigestion and gas. I've honest not tried it, but she says it's the best.


I love to hear your comments!