Monday, August 3, 2009

Prenatal care at home

Since we started having our babies at home, the next natural step was learning to take care of myself at home. Keeping a journal of the pregnancy is a good way to do this. In the journal, I keep track of my weight gain, fundal height, any symptoms I experience, and fetal movement, as well as new things I learn along the way and personal events I might want to remember. I try to take note of these things on or around the same day of each month.

Ideally, blood pressure should be monitored, but I don't have the equipment for that. (In the U.S., one could just go to a pharmacy or even the grocery store to check blood pressure!) Also, if I had a fetoscope, I would record baby's heartbeat. I'm not too concerned about those things, though, as long as I am feeling good, and the baby's movements are normal.

I know there are a whole bunch of tests that the doctor likes to give you, but most of those tests are unnecessary. If you may have been exposed to an STD, or might have a child with a defect and would abort the baby if so, then some tests might be needful. If you don't know your blood type, or are at risk for measles or chicken pox, you might wish to have some tests done at the doctor's office.

Tests for gestational diabetes and urinalysis strips can be bought at pharmacies or online. I have considered buying those, but just haven't done it yet. Going on past pregnancy experience, I know my blood sugar runs low, as do my iron levels, so I compensate for that with an appropriate diet.

While home prenatal care isn't for everyone, especially not for women with high-risk pregnancies, I think most can do a fine job taking care of themselves at home if they choose to do so.


  1. You mentioned low iron. That was something that I've never dealt with before...until this pregnancy. I have never felt so drained! I felt as if I could have slept for 15 hours and then still awoke exhausted! I was glad once the doctor found out my problem and I got that iron level up.

  2. So true! Good articles! I didn't realize you had this blog or I would have been here earlier!


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