Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Welcome to my new blog! I hope you are blessed by your visit here, and that you will come by often. If you would like to, please leave a comment to let me know you were here.

We believe that children are an heritage of the Lord, and the fruit of the womb is His reward. Each child God gives us is a precious gift, given on purpose by our Creator.

I'm so glad you came by. Enjoy reading...


  1. I read over your previous posts, Tammy, and thoroughly enjoyed them. I'm definitely relating to the baby "needing" the hamburger and fries!

  2. I am currently almost 40 weeks with our 3rd child and 1st UC. I look forward to hearing your experience!

  3. Welcome, Elizabeth, Tereza and Jamie! :o)

  4. Jamie, my thoughts are with you. Surely you've had that baby already, and are nestled at home with the new little one! I hope to hear how the birth went!

  5. Hi Tammy...I stumbled across your site through the CafeMom Sewing group! ha! I am following right behind you in pregnancy...I am currently 9 weeks with my 5th child. Our first, Audrey, went to Heaven after only living 10 days. Nice to meet you through your blog and you have such a lovely family it looks like when looking at your "family pic" on your other blog! Have a great day! Beth @


I love to hear your comments!